Monday, July 16, 2012

The video history of the things describes us the materials economy is a system composed of extraction, production, distribution, consumption and waste. It shows several aspects that the system has affected our present, through a badly made process with few ideas for the future.Always buy things that actually stop to analyze are not useful, the consumer industry has led us far away now to the point of losing track of what is good or bad for example we have never stopped to think that unnecessary creation and innovation of technology today so we are destroying our own atmosphere with the cutting trees and removing chemicals without looking at the impact they have on our health.i think  that  the  problem  is   the  world's culture the goverment doesn't  do enough  to change  the  culture ,  the think only  about money no  is the  solution , we need people  who think  different,  and  new projects  to   the  agriculture . i  think  this is  the  solution


Saturday, July 14, 2012

The story of Stuff

First things first.  We are wrong, our system is wrong and our thinking is wrong.... but we can change the current situation and transform our future.

When the system was programed, had not concience about the natural resourse, all planet was full and inexhaustible because of the planet was "virgen" , problem was Whom and How we will going to become natural resources in products??? The process were created, people were educated, tecnology was improved, people was consuming, in fact all was going on perfect way.  The things changed with the time, some elements changed and the equation lost balance. At the firts, products were created for long time, manufacturers had earnig enough, people consumed the necessary...  How is our present??? Had something changed relation to past?   Of course!!! The media introduce in our brain many information about the communism, is imperative to change products very fast, improve the version of stuff, all this with a cost very high for ourself .  This presion is suported  for manufacturers, who want to obtein more earning without measure... again the cost is very high for ourself and more for the next generations that no know the wonderful world that we are destroying each day...    

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday, july 11 of 2012


This is a very important document, because the whole people in the world need to know the imminent destruction in the world in the production a lot of things that no really need, and that had been no well distributed according  the different persons necessities.

This consumer culture had been disastrous, especially because is the cause of the planet life destruction. Meanwhile the human population grows up, the sources had been destroying, spacious for persons to live are always smaller than before and the things to buy for dialing living are more and more. If we think well, we need so little things to live very well.

I think, is possible to reduce the consumption following different ways, for example:
·         Don’t believe the all publisher arguments that exaggerate the qualities of things that really we don’t need during the distribution process.
·         Avoid the loss of food, electrical energy, dresses.
·         Avoid buying new appliances, if is not necessary to follow the last technology, for instance: the newest computer, the newest cell, the newest television, etc.
·         Is possible to dress well and no exaggerate in materials and costs.
·         Is possible to think before the process and the true value of the things. When we decide Jewries is important to remember the ecological damages for getting the materials like gold, silver, diamonds, emeralds, platinum, etc.
        In this moment is important to remember the big impact in the environment with the exploration and production. Is important to evoke the high cost for the poorest people working during the exploration and production process: they lost the land, the health, the own resources and don’t enjoy the final products.

And the finally, there is the most difficult thing: the possibility of big corporations to decide a rationale exploitation, production, distribution and disposable of the natural resources and the final things.  But the whole people could moderate the consumption and improve the manner of the disposable the not necessary things.

If the actual people in the world decide, is possible to control and save the future life in the Earth Planet, specially the societies in USA and more rich countries.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Story of Stuff

In everyday life we use many things, but we never asked where they come
from, how to reach us and what happens to them when they aren’t longer useful
to us.

Things have a linear process called "Economy of materials",
which consists of 5 stages.

The first stage involves the extraction of raw materials, then carry out
the stages of production, during which things are created and improved, and
distribution involving advertising and media this creates needs for us and
makes things come into our hands.

A fourth stage begins when we use these things, is the stage of
consumption, during which we invest our resources to acquire things that
sometimes we need and sometimes not, things gradually become outdated and
require changes and in the short or medium term, involve a further cost to our

The fifth and final stage consists in disposal of things, which is when
they met their useful life or when they produce a better or newer.

In this system people is very important, but more important is to avoid
falling into consumerism and competitiveness of acquisition, taking advantage
of the process for our own benefit and welfare.

Story of stuff - Lina Mira

Story of stuff
This documentary is very interesting because it shows our reality, we live in a consumer society, where we don’t know the real impact of the production of all stuff that we have in our house. We don’t have idea where it goes after we used it, and the real damage that stuff produce in the environment.
The worse thing is that for produce all this things we are trashing the world because we destroy our natural resources and they are finite, someday we are going to wake up without many of them.
In our society if you don’t have enough stuff you don’t have value, consumption is our way of live, everything say that we have to shop no matter if you need it. Right now we just think in change our old stuff like cellphones , computers and clothes instead to think in important things like family our in our future.
All of us need to change the currently way to transform the products, we need to work to transform the production in something environmental friendly.

My point of view-Gabriel Espitia

The purpose of the video is too important. we are people of the Earth and that means we must take care it of  other people and countries that exploiting its resources wish obtain money and power. But is not only that, while the planet is getting die, our lives also lose sense. With absurd entertainment (The TV) we are far away of the beautiful things of the life, like arts, music. Our culture is dissapearing and an ignorant, contaminated and desertic world is becoming, where the owner are a few.

I think is a bit exaggerated think that even the breast milk is toxic, I don't have statistics or data about that but I think that kind of things can't be possible.

María Adelaida Jaramillo


Two questions to start: where are all things that surround us? And where they go? It was a very interesting documentary, because it tries to answer these two questions, and also assume a critical position about a real situation: we are a consumer culture.

In one hand we find the process, which is creating in a right line, but in the other hand we find the real life, which is not lineal, because we live in a finite universe. So it is a chaotically situation, where everything: cultures, societies, economies are interacting, and also they have limits, borders between them.

And one of the most important part in all this story is the people, some of them are more significant like are the government’s people and companies’ people.

Second part is to obtain the resources: water, energy, animal, plants...and is too sad, but when we obtain the resources, we destroy our planet. And the resources have limits.

Third step consist in to transform the resources, because we need to make many kind of things, but in this process we use millions of toxins, and we don´t know how this going to affect us, our bodies, our health, our future, but we still use it.

Fourth, the distribution, in this part the central objective is do it fast and cheap. So, how can we do it? Who is going to lost? Obviously not the companies, not the government...

The step number five are the consumers, all of us, we are who are going to buy, buy and buy, all the time, we are buying all kind of stuff, and in only 6 month the 99% is going to trash.

And why it is happening this crazy situation? Because north american leaders decide it, after second war world, that the way to survive is if the people are buying all the time. And we are very good followers.

The thing is, why? why we have to follow this kind of ways, if they are not healthy, friendly and sustainable? 



The Story of Stuff, talks about a big system, a system of production, distribution, consumption and disposition of things that we need to survive, it also explain about how is the beginning and the end of all those thinks we use daily regardless of edge.

Today the majority of the companies, used a lot of materials from earth, like water, trees, animals and plants to do different kind of stuff, so that’s the reason why we are really destroy our planet, our natural resources.

Another problem was, that the government use our taxes to do other things, they are not protect our necessities, so those companies doesn’t matter about what happens with those important resources, they use all them to do the things we used daily to survive or to live, they doesn’t matter about them, they only need money, and with that they are growing in size and power.

The real ism that we all ready expend 1/3 of the resources of our planet, we need to act now, is too difficult to recover it again, we are destroying our planet so fast, we mix natural products with chemicals and that chemicals and toxics, impact human health and the environment, we do not have the awareness to take care of the things that we have today in our planet, we are always contaminated.

We use all this stuff everywhere, in schools, at home, at work, in our bodies, we are only living the present.

Another big problem is that we are a society of consumption, we buy everything we saw in the media, and the biggest problem is that, the 50% of all those stuff we throw away it, and we buy more and more; we always need the new and modern stuff, that no helps, we continue destroying and affecting the climate, the planet and the people.

In my opinion, we must resolve this issue now, the issue is very sensitive.
Currently we are not aware of what is happening, we are not saving the resources, the big problem is that when we destroy the things we use, they produce toxic waste and that does not help to preserve the planet and people like us, is difficult to understand it, but we are experiencing this problem today, we must think about our children and their future, we don’t have more planets and need to react. We live in a consumer society and we are destroying finite natural resources.

We have to be aware of recycling,  it is a reality which we must all contribute.

Review: Story of Stuff 

by: JuanM Gomez

The Story of Stuff talks about all the process of “stuff” that we have in our society, all the things we buy. The documentary shows the progress from the extraction, production, distribution and disposition (garbage dumps).

It discusses the over-consuming society we live in (mainly the first-world country) and how the current unsustainable lifestyle is destroying the planet, the communities, and ourselves.

An important element that is highlighted in the documentary, are the sources of information are cited by the presenter. The mains keys come from official institution and serious organization.

Is true that now are many congress, summits, organizations and people worried by this topic, but is true too that not are the political will.   
The planet needs a real and strong commitment around the protection of the nature.

The governments have to encourage the nature protection with economics aid and punish strongly all activities which destroyed the resource. The world needs to change the measurement parameter for the label of “developed country”.

Should be powerful organization that monitor and control all the activities of extraction of resources, especially in the developed countries.

Each day, more and more people are concerned by the consequences for the nature and human health, a cause of culture consumption.
After saw the documentary I fell into deep reflection about my way of consumption, the next time I going to think the real need for the stuff that I’m buying.