Monday, July 16, 2012

The video history of the things describes us the materials economy is a system composed of extraction, production, distribution, consumption and waste. It shows several aspects that the system has affected our present, through a badly made process with few ideas for the future.Always buy things that actually stop to analyze are not useful, the consumer industry has led us far away now to the point of losing track of what is good or bad for example we have never stopped to think that unnecessary creation and innovation of technology today so we are destroying our own atmosphere with the cutting trees and removing chemicals without looking at the impact they have on our health.i think  that  the  problem  is   the  world's culture the goverment doesn't  do enough  to change  the  culture ,  the think only  about money no  is the  solution , we need people  who think  different,  and  new projects  to   the  agriculture . i  think  this is  the  solution


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