Tuesday, July 10, 2012

María Adelaida Jaramillo


Two questions to start: where are all things that surround us? And where they go? It was a very interesting documentary, because it tries to answer these two questions, and also assume a critical position about a real situation: we are a consumer culture.

In one hand we find the process, which is creating in a right line, but in the other hand we find the real life, which is not lineal, because we live in a finite universe. So it is a chaotically situation, where everything: cultures, societies, economies are interacting, and also they have limits, borders between them.

And one of the most important part in all this story is the people, some of them are more significant like are the government’s people and companies’ people.

Second part is to obtain the resources: water, energy, animal, plants...and is too sad, but when we obtain the resources, we destroy our planet. And the resources have limits.

Third step consist in to transform the resources, because we need to make many kind of things, but in this process we use millions of toxins, and we don´t know how this going to affect us, our bodies, our health, our future, but we still use it.

Fourth, the distribution, in this part the central objective is do it fast and cheap. So, how can we do it? Who is going to lost? Obviously not the companies, not the government...

The step number five are the consumers, all of us, we are who are going to buy, buy and buy, all the time, we are buying all kind of stuff, and in only 6 month the 99% is going to trash.

And why it is happening this crazy situation? Because north american leaders decide it, after second war world, that the way to survive is if the people are buying all the time. And we are very good followers.

The thing is, why? why we have to follow this kind of ways, if they are not healthy, friendly and sustainable? 

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