Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Blade Runner Jhon Fray Jaramillo Mazo

Blade Runner
Blade Runner It´s a movie that instantaneously catch my attention; I really love this kind of futuristic movies.

The idea of the androids existence and the fact they look as adult humans make us wonder how can it be possible, how to recognize them? Besides the possibility humans fall in love with them, exists the doubt whether do they really love or not?

One of the best movies a have watched, this movie show the future vision the writer though will exist at the future like powerful weapons, flying cars, retina analyzers, fingerprint readers and the powerful company building in the center of the city, the movie also depict the possibility of feeling fear from our own creations; an old idea if the future, in which a powerful androids company loses the control of its creations, these creation that try to stay alive for longer. Blade runner it’s the name of the special cops, who were hired to retire and destroy androids, which were banned in the earth; these androids were pronounced dangerous for humans.

The most interesting par is not the androids existence, it´s that they feel as well as a human do, they dream, they have expectances, rational and moral thoughts and also are disposed to preserve the human live. 

At the end of the movie it’s shown the last remaining clue that reveals to the views and Blade runner Deckard it’s also another replant that feels love and dream as a human.

My vision of the future Jhon fray Jaramillo Mazo

Future vision
I do really think a cataclysmic event will destroy and kill lots of people, survivors will have to approach the planet at possible maximum, future wont be our destruction, it will be an opportunity to restart and do it better; the phrase “if we don’t end war, war will end us” comes again; its possible that a bog part of the earth may be contaminated by radiation after war for food and water. Scientists will have to take lots of care of the grownings, doe to radiation people will have to move from cities; on the other hand people will have the possibility of having a better life by being helped by technologies; so if by the time people live expectance increases, it will be reached by technological advances. People might have their own robot that helps everybody with their duties. Supercomputers, flying cars and interplanetary trips will be as normal as nowadays we use smartphones.

Communication might be implanted in our bodies and just by touching a tactile screen we will have the possibility to have access to all our personal information by using contact lens displays, the biggest part of jobs might be based in programming, supervising and managing technologies and safety.

To be lazy or forgotten won´t   be an option, because we will have been warned by our implanted health care living assistant.

People could haven’t  the possibility to live in taller buildings as nowadays we do, they will have lo live in houses, doe to earth plates moving the earth floor  may be unstable, after conquer other planets, some people may move to them; at that time we could have not eliminated the capitalism. Therefore, there will be just a little part of world population can do this kind of trips.  

Dallas Buyer´s club Jhon fray jaramillo

Dallas Buyer´s club
What I really like about this movie is the transformation of Mr. Woodrof´s way of thinking about homosexual and transgender people, such a point to defend their rights. Never give up is the reflection taken from this film; Mr. Woodrof never gives up towards HIV, which is the virus that infects thousands of people every year. This movie sows us that having sex without any protection put our lives on risk of getting infected. Less education and unknowing what causes this virus drives people to get that kind of disease, lots of people don’t know they are infected, so they still spread the virus. Try to be test AZT, which seemed to be the AIDS cure, drives Mr. Woodrof to desperation, there were lot of difficulties. Therefore he got this medicine; he uses this medicine in himself and his partner Rayon. Rayon helps Mr. Woodrof to make the AZT business by distributing them; it is also an easy way of helping other infected people.

An important characteristic is that the movie producers keep the way this historical time looked like, time in which sexual transmission diseases weren’t unknown by a huge part of world population, just a little part of people knew what HIV and AIDS mean, tis time in which public health wasn’t totally controlled by FDA (food and drug administration) and neither medicines that hadn’t gone through medical pass.
Almost every phrase Mr. Woodrof said in the movie content slangs, it´s not totally bad, it´s an easy way to know how low classes speak.

I do really recommend watching this movie that catches my attention while watching it.     


By Daniela Gómez S.

The future is not so close. At least not the future that cinema shows. A good example is Blade Runner’s temporality (Scott, 1982). The world created by Philip K. Dick, where people, androids and robots live together takes place in 2019. According to that, in five years from today, cars will fly, there  will be robots as able and intelligent as people and colonies of humans will live in other planets. We know this is not going to happen because there is not that technology yet. It is a fact that science progresses slower than imagination. While writers and filmmakers build all kind of artificial worlds with words, images and sounds, scientists make experiments to find partial answers to our big questions.

Super technological humanity is further that we thought. What do we need to live in another planet? To create androids? What is it necessary to reproduce cells and to create human beings? We went to the moon but we have never been in another planet. Our major achievement has been sending a robot to Mars. Clearly, it was a big advance, but it is still far from the possibility to establish a human colony“off-world”.

Androids are a big topic too. Complex robots are part of production chains at factories, and there are robots able to help doctors to operate patients who are thousands of miles away from their hospitals. But they are machines. The artificial life that exists now is far from any kind of sensible and sensitive automata that could be mistaken for a person. The creation of life requires that scientists achieve to control cells growth and regulate its working. At this moment, there’s only tissues and organs made in laboratories.  

The point is that the major part of scientific results are not so spectacular -like fliying cars- and don’t conduce, in an immediate way, to revolutionary invents. So, the dystopias based on technology are very enthusiastic about the speed of developments. In any case, the world that moving films show is not just around the corner.
Technology is not a threat to the future. The real dangers for human kind are two: inequality and ignorance. If each person could enjoy of a portion of resources (food, water, clean air, a good home and opportunities to study and work) we would live in a perfect society. But every time privileges are concentrated in fewer hands. So, in the future, very few people will have all they need to live. Their lives will be comfortable and longer than they are now. The bad news are: the rest of the population –the poor people- will live in worse conditions due to environmental degradation. So, the perspective doesn’t depend on technology, it depends on economic and political system. Besides, how many people are able to understand scientific developments? They are a minority. A little group of educated persons makes science while the rest live under the tyranny of that knowledge.  

The only way to have a different planet will be starting to think about common good.  But it doesn’t look like it is going to happen in the near future.

Óscar Eduardo Rendón Cardona

Óscar Eduardo Rendón Cardona 1.128.400.504


If we make an overview regarding several aspects of Dallas Buyer´s Club movie we are going to find that is a really good portrait about two themes that have been crucial and polemic during the last three decades and it is on this way in which the movie results interesting and remarkable.
One of the themes is the discrimination against LGBT community and all the stereotypes and prejudices that society has, thinking that every member of this community is sick, promiscuous and lives in a complete sexual disorder. You can see while you are watching the movie a representation of a fear not only for a disease but for difference and life styles not according with the usual cultural code.
Another theme is the manipulation made by big companies that subtly handle and control our lives with their products and services; they make us to think that we really need them and that they are just doing a good work to benefit society but they only want to head our behavior with one purpose: earning more money.
An opinion about technical aspects would result kind of redundant because the truth is that nowadays is not difficult to make a film with respectable visual and sound quality. What is really difficult is to build a good story with a good balance between reality and created conflict and this is absolutely one of the best achievements of the movie.

Personal Opinion: Dallas Buyers Club- Carlos A. Calderon Valencia


By Carlos Calderon
In my opinion, Dallas Buyers’ Club is a very realistic and interesting movie which shows the most extreme human behavior of a man suffering from AIDS. Its plot encourages you to be braver and makes you feel that there is no point in blaming yourself for your mistakes, but you should do your best to take advantage of the situations you are living, no matter how bad it can look.

Though, there is something about the movie I did not really like; if you ask me, showing naked scenes was not necessary at all to convey how chauvinist Ron was. I mean, Showing nude people is absolutely normal, there is no anything wrong with it, but those scenes were too much, they were useless.

Blade Runner by Carolina Mejía Gómez

Blade Runner is a futuristic movie where the humanity's advanced in a way that is able to create androids almost humans. The only difference is that androids don't have feelings and own memories. But there was a kind of androids capable to develop feelings with the time and some of them can be implanted with any memories to get some coherence with their reality. After this, the meaning  of "human" would be confuse because would be difficult to find differences between both of them.

The androids in the movie were used as humans slaves in other planets, but a group of them were revealed in front of the humanity and could run away to earth. Blade Runner is an special agent who has the mission to get them and kill them. At earth planet all seems artificial, big buildings, ships, darkness and humidity and all this looks like a criticism about the idea of progress that humanity actually have. This portray the planet that we can have in a few years if we don't respect our origin.

This movie can be a message that tell us that our progress and technology can destroy who we are. We some times don't think about the consequences and something that looks awesome first time can kill us with the time without any notice.  The humanity in the movie have loose their identity following their raciocini and forgot that they are part of the planet trying to have the control with technology and at the end the humans finish as slave of his invents.

Dallas Texas Buyers Club by Carolina Mejía Gómez

Ron Woodrof is an electrician and cowboy. In 1985 he in into a temerity kind of life and suddenly Ron has a diagnosed with AIDS And Doctors said that he only have 30 days left. In this moment of his life he found an improbable friend, Rayon, who has the same disease and is also transexual. They share their enthusiasts for keep alive and for that reason Ron travel to Mexico and where he do some researches about alternative medicines and he start to contrabanding with USA against the medical and scientists community. In this action Rayon work with Ron trying to avoid punishment from the government against the medicine sells an supplements. They organize "the buyer's club" where people with AIDS Pay monthly quotes to get access to alternative medicine. It becomes in a huge friendly community where Ron fight for the dignity, education and acceptability.

Carolina Mejía Gómez

Ghandy by Carolina Mejía Gómez

Title: Gahdhi
Year: 1982
Produced an directed by: Richard Attenborough
Lead actor: Ben Kingsley

It is awesome movie film that portray the important moments in India. It is a very touching movie because it represents how every human is possessed by the power, the evil, and wealth. And how he can do anything,even push down his relatives and friends.
In this movie Ben Kingsley shows clearly how the " no violence" movement can do great things in a country and how one man, Mahatma Gandhi, has the strength to over pass any adversity to defend the ideals that he sees as a path for the freedom.
Ben a brilliant actor, I can say that the actor was Gandhi in person. People in the movie were very credible, the cloth, landscapes, guns, houses, any detail were analyzed and represented just as the real year when all happened.
The movie has 31 years old and sometimes the sound was not very clear. The light was incredible because you can already feel the temperature in India without being there. Sometimes the cuts between scenes were steep but must for the change in the sound. Some scenes were very quiet and the next one too noisy.
Gandhi's movie even with its technical fails reach its aim, showing the life of India before and during the independence. In my opinion this movie have to be watch for every president, leader a day guide in every country because this world is a chaos and not all can be resolved just with death and war. People like Mandela is a very good example to prove that is possible get a welfare thinking like just one country, not just one person. Some times in our life we forget that we are not alone, after this movie we will not do it again; there are many people to helping,  to hearing, to sharing and that could be the first stone to reach the peace and the equality that we deserve it.

Carolina Mejía Gómez

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dallas Buyers Club: Thinking with the hearth

By Daniela Gómez S.
We just need one movie to change our opinion about anything. The Vietnam War had different connotations after Apocalypse now (Coppola, 1979). The general perspective about genocide in Rwanda was not the same after Rwanda hotel (George, 2004). In this way, discrimination against AIDS patients and negligence from FDA to allow alternative treatments to the disease is different after watching Dallas Buyers Club (Valleé, 2013).
Obviously, filmmakers manipulate historical facts to magnify the effects on audiences, to move the viewers and connect them with the character`s drama. But this characteristic of all kind of art doesn’t replace honesty. Dallas Buyers Club shows a man with a disorganized routine who find his reason to live in rodeo, bettings, drugs, liquor and sex. Unexpectedly, he discovers that he has AIDS. The rest of the movie we see him trying to survive. It is the story of a man that wants to live. The movie is not about pharmaceutical industry, the health system or FDA bureaucracy, but those are the obstacles to win the race against death.
As a result of that, Dallas Buyers Club doesn`t disappoint the public. The main character, Ron Woodroof (Matthew McConaughey), falls and rescues himself to live with dignity. His effort to contradict the prediction about his mortal destiny (30 days of life), makes him memorable. Also, it is impossible not feeling compassion for his partner in the club, Rayon (Jared Leto), a desperate woman (a transsexual guy) trying not to die. Who would resist the vital impulse of this group of people sentenced to die, not just because of AIDS, but for the social indifference?
The real story behind the movie gives it more legitimacy. Journalist Bill Minutaglio interviewed the real Woodroof for an extensive report for the Dallas Morning News. Then, one month before Woodroof died, Craig Borten recorded hours of conversation with him. Borten wrote the screenplay and worked during almost a decade to find producers and actors. So, the interest of film is narrative, aesthetic and historical. Director Jean-Marc Vallée achieved to show a new angle of AIDS issue because he uses a paradigmatic example to tell the meaning of being sick, and alone, in an intolerant society. Simultaneously, he gives cinema another dark hero, a character with a mundane heroism that produces curiosity and solidarity.
Dallas Buyers Club is interesting, funny and touching. It is not the best movie of the year, but like the Oscar Awards demonstrated, it has the best performances of the season.

Opinion about Dallas Buyers Club/ future and tecnology

·       Opinion paragraph about Dallas Buyer´s Club:

Dallas Buyer's Club is a movie based on the real life of Ron Woodroof, a Texan cowboy drug addict and womanizer, who was diagnosed with AIDS in 1986 and he predicted a month to live. He then began taking AZT, the only drug available at that time to fight this terrible disease.
Ignorance about AIDS was for a long time, which was thought to be a disease of homosexuals nothing else but the surprise produced heterosexual infection also appears. 
Regarding the characters are excellent in their roles and help you understand the huge problem of the film.
It is a story of drugs, self-improvement, tenacity, and above all, how misfortune can make you better, as happened with Ron Woodroof, a real character who went from being a pathetic scoundrel to lead a revolution in defense of the rights of AIDS patients.
Rayon with his portrayal of travesti might have fallen into caricature, and does not, and do not stop even see a woman dressed in his one man scene, we see a woman dressed and uncomfortable.
Regarding the language seems to me to use many swear words, but is a time and a difficult situation that facilitates this type of communication.

Argumentative article about the future and technology:
To say that the advancement of technology is incredibly fast is nothing new. We're used to this reality and not surprised with the amount of news that arise every day.
However, the constant introduction of new products, platforms and concepts creates a number of opportunities and needs that did not exist in our lives. Who imagined five years ago is using a phone to access the Internet in the same way as we do with a computer?
In addition to the emergence of new resources, we have the evolution of those existing. Just remember what your computer at the beginning of 2000 and compared to current models, with speed humiliating performance. Not to mention the phones themselves, who "bricks" were transformed into small information centers able to be carried in your pocket.
Technology helps make life easier for people, and we can perform various tasks easier, efficient, comfortable, fashion and other qualities. The technology is used in almost every aspect.
Technology is an indicator of the degree of development of a society. A more developed society has more schools and universities therefore become more technological development. large groupings of people asking for more urban and educational services, that's where the connection technology - society gives.
The intensive use of biotechnology is the best hope to prevent the suffering of human beings and to sustain a healthy biosphere. At this stage of history, our civilization has the technological capacity to transform nature, as we want for ourselves and all living beings. However, the technology is so powerful that its use for certain purposes, generation after generation, can lead men to be involved in a post-human condition.

Lina Marcela Gonzalez Echeverry

“Dallas bullers club”

By:  Ana Patricia Correa Roldan.

It is a real movie about a womanizer man who was diagnosed as HIV positive and given 30 days to live.
It is an interesting movie, in that movie, there are different important aspects.
First of all, the main character face big changes as acceptance ok gay people when he was homophobic, because he had to share spaces with them, moreover the main character avoid infecting others and had more control of his desires. Also is important to rescue the concern for preserving owns life and that of others, seeking treatments and healthy foods that improve your lifestyle.
On the other hand, I think the main character was very irresponsible with his health since continued using drugs and liquor, affecting his recovery continuing its long critical condition.
Finally, I believe that the government and health officials should invest more money in research to improve the patients’ lives, because the current treatment is not enough.   

The film reveals how extraordinary it is fighting for life itself and for others, knowing that every day there are more benefits for all who seek it for you. It is the opportunity to believe that there is always something to do and we will put enough effort to achieve what we want, changing concepts and changing behaviors that keep us from reality, accepting others with their mistakes, problems and peculiarities. Life is to learn to live according to the situations we find in the walk.

By: Ana Patricia Correa Roldan.

First of all it is necessary to define the future and technology.
The future is what will happen in the time period after the present.
Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of the time and the laws of physics.
The future and the eternity have been major subjects of philosophy, religion and science.
v  Philosophy says: only the present exists and the future and the past are unreal.
v  Religion says:  the future is when they address issues such as karma, life after death, and the end of the world.
v  Science says: the future is understood what is likely to continue, to change, and what is novel.

Technology is developed to reduce the effort of people; however at the same pace technology brings some threats to people.
On the other hand the technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques and methods of organization.
Human need change mental concepts because the technology is a double-edged sword it is needed in the work that we do, but certainly if not used the right way can bring many consequences.
According to the definitions about future and technology there are pros and cons that affect the future human beings.
When considering some future technology, we must be careful to consider no just the benefit, but also the downsides of introducing that technology.
For instance, the invention of arms especially nuclear was gadgets are extremely dangerous for the existence, in addition to increased use of motor vehicles causes the contamination of our ecosystem causing problems such as global warming and unsteady climates.
Nowadays; people began to depend of the technology and they become less self-sufficient, because they only believe the world can change with advances in technology and lose their identity every day.
In conclusion, the advantage and disadvantages of technology depend the way it is applied if it uses for goodness; then it gives good results.

How do you imagine the future?

The future is too uncertain, but I have two futuristic visions. The first and most important is the Bible says: It says that the lack of God in the world will generate natural disasters, wars and food shortages, the same man is self-destructing. God sent us intro the world to be happy with all things, but the man is insatiable and wants more every day.  
Furthermore, is likely that in ten years we will be traveling in flying cars, our homes will be automating and everyone use nanotechnology that will help us all, mobile rooms, tactile space, but the land will be affected and the destruction of the planet is already clear, that advances in science are being carries of dangerous and pollution material to human and the environment and the man is not putting limits on research and technology advance without control. Also, they will be continue to research  on cloning and deformities in humans and animals will became more apparent and the destruction will be total, because nowadays science advance faster that light, and the man continued his fight for power without  thinking in the creation.  

According with the movie  Blade Runner”.  A sort police who has the mission to kill some replicates “androids” almost human, and they have been revealed whit their short existence.
The movie is compared to real life, allowing see a future filled with technology, but overwhelmed by lack of fillings. Animals are articles and humans do not have enough feelings to live happily.
The plot allows identifies some aspects of real life that happen in the future such as: there will be a lot of technology, genetic engineering creates new beings, changes in beliefs and values, but the real transformation of the world will be gray, sad and hopeless, self- destruction continued progress. The man believes that the technology is the best option to improve the life, but the man not has time to reconsider the consequences. 
May 19th, 2014

The movie talked about the story about someone who had to change his life due to AIDS, one of most dangerous disease that people fear for its physical, emotional and social consequences.
The movie showed the prejudices that people had about HIV in that time. Ron was a selfish man who had carefree and libertine life, but when he faced the reality, he had to change his lifestyle. This situation brought to him rejection for his friends and the world where he lived. He knew people who received and tried to him as anyone. This people ironically were people who he hate and discriminated but also they were who help to him to give sense to his life.
Also I could notice how the pharmaceutical companies took the control about hospitals and doctors, and how people died because they didn´t have access to medicines to they needed to treat the diseases. These situations still happening nowadays the pharmaceutical companies dominated and takes control about the market and treatments that patients require.
Ron tried to find the solution to his diseases, he studied and learned about treatments to him and the other hand he found the way to give money helping others with the same condition. Although people who worked for these companies made everything to prevent it.
Also, I think that is amazing the way that Mathew McMaconaughey and Jared Leto performed the main characters in the story, how they changed their physical appearances and lifestyles and gave an excellent job, doing those winners to the most important award about movies in whole world.
In general, I liked a lot the movie the point about corruption from pharmaceutical companies and discrimination are topics to we still can see in the society and affected it. I think many people should be this movie and understand how the life of people with AIDS is and don´t judge to people without know what is the real part of the story.

May 20th, 2014

Nowadays, the technology allowed creating connections between people with long distances, but that technology is creating walls even people who live in the same house.  Technology everyday move and the life are easier but the consequences for the earth are terrible and many of us are not aware about it. Nowadays, people lose the way to talk face to face, but they prefer to use smartphones to communicate than talk and share time with them.
The other hand is the way that companies attack the environment to make more and more products every day. I think that our future will have bad consequences for us. Technology do easier things, human don’t need to move to have that they want, communications are easier too, people don’t have to move to talk what they want, if that things follow like that the results will be like the movie Blade Run, where humans have machines similar to them to do activities in their place and even try to take their place.
People may live alone in their houses and they won´t keep contact with others, they will eat with a machine and they will do everything with a machine too. Maybe in the worst case the environment will reveal and provoque big disasters and people will have to fear and live hidden to protect their life.

We don’t know about the future, but we can see what the road that our earth follows is.

The Future- Maria Cristina


Global warming has become one of the central political and scientific issues of the future, but there is not a scientific consensus on its long term effects. In fact, some circles do not agree with the generalized conclusion that global warming is caused by human intervention.
The correct prediction of the climate change in the future has a high impact on aspects like government planning, environmental regulation, social customs, and even the geopolitical issues. These situations are more near of the reality in a community, and they may affect the way that people live in future. It therefore made no sense to think in high technology if the planet cannot support human life.

Taking into account the importance of accurate prediction it is also necessary to evaluate the real global warming causes, and avoid that political or private economic interests deflect public attention.

The first argument against global warning caused by human intervention is that forecast models have failed with temperature trends below even the assumed zero emission scenarios. Furthermore, predictions as tropical troposphere temperature increment has not been observed in the last 30 years. As a result, if models are not reliable, conclusions are invalid or at least incorrect. 

The second argument is associated with the ice melted rate; uses data linked to artic ice tracks acquired by Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) program to prove that the ice cover was similarly reduced in the 1950s, when the Atlantic was last in a similar warm mode. In the same way, sea levels actually slowed in the late 20th century and have declined in the last few years
Finally, local effects attributed to global warming can be associated with other phenomenon, which explains better the data. For example, Mount Kilimanjaro's ice loss is due to land use, and deforestation according to the last data.

Alarmist had predicted a permanent El Niño phenomenon, and drier summers in Northern hemisphere. However, the last decade has featured, 7 “Niña” and just 3 “Niño” years.
In conclusion, a model that cannot give exact predictions should have to be evaluated with care, and not to believe without all the evidence.

Maria Cristina Henao Ruíz 

Dallas Buyers Club- Maria Cristina

Essay: Dallas Buyers Club
Dallas Buyers Club is a film based on a real story about a homophobic and drug addict cowboy from Dallas, who lives a disorganized life full of excess. At the beginning of the movie the scenes were so crude, primarily the way that the sexual acts and drug abuse are shown. Even for a moment you want to stop watching it and you ask yourself “what kind of movie am I watching?” However, when the doctors tell Ron Woodroof, he's tested HIV-positive his reaction was natural, because it is the normal way that people react in these situations. In the first moment, people negate the truth, and specially taking into account that HIV is a terminal disease. This scene is close to reality, and touch the audience, since it is something that can happen to everybody.
On the other hand, the film shows the human cruelty when Ron’s friend judged him because of the changes of his social and sexual behaviors. In my opinion, this scene is one of the most depressing in the movie, and I don´t like the way that his friends make fun of him. 
A key element in the movie is the moment when Ron discovered the use of AZT drug as an option to survive, and he did everything to get it. Instead, he did not about the high toxicity of this drug in combination with alcohol and drugs. After that, he couldn’t find more AZT, so he had to travel to Mexico, where he realized that there were other options not available in the USA for FDA regulations. My considerations about this part of the story are in two senses. The first, it is that people have the right to survive, and search for solutions even if they do not work or put in risk their life. The second is the state agencies are obligated to regulate the new drugs and probe the real benefits and side-effects, but always thinking about the patient’s health and not the pharmaceutical companies’ profits.
Furthermore, during his travel to Mexico, Ron met a controversial doctor, who taught how to deal with AIDS, and give him medicaments, which he introduced to the USA in an illegal way, selling to other patients, even people on medical treatment. When he come back to Dallas he created an organization named “Dallas Buyers Club” and use it to distribute illegal drugs, giving advices about complementary treatment such as eating healthy food, avoiding drugs and alcohol, and eliminating the use of AZT. At the beginning the idea was earn money, but he starts to know more about other patients, and he decide to help them, even losing his own money. 
Finally, I really like the Ron’s attitude change during the movie, because in the first part he was homophobic and in some moments he demonstrated that he thought he was the number one, but when he realized that gays are an important part of the sociality. Also, because of his better understanding of AIDS disease, Ron’s attitude was different; for example, he found a form to help that people, and at the end he recognized that humans are equal in any way at all, independently of their sexual orientation gender identity, or expression of these, since everybody has the same interests, feelings and necessities. In the future, this movie can be a tool to eradicated homophobia.    

Maria Cristina Henao Ruíz 











This movie is a close portrait of the depression years lived in a very specific country “France” and in a very cultural activity “the theater”. With the arrival of the economic crisis, the artistic movement was quite affected for the lost of attendance  for the artistic piece that they had prepared for a long time so, what could the theater crew do to survive under those extremely difficult circunstances?


Harold Zibler, owner and manager of a famous artistic show has been living a very economical situation to continue presenting attractive shows in the “ Moulin Ronge”.  The final show and the daily life of the characters got to be a parallel, represented by the crew and specially by four characters: zibler, satine, Christian and the duke  who loses the final battle, where there is a mixture of the real life with the artistic show.


The actors made a very attractive parallel between real and theater lives, where there are jealousy, envy, passion, suspect, treason, happiness, bohemian, failure, success, and death.

Moulin Rouge was nominted for several Oscar prizes, although it did not win anyone of them.

The characters fulfilled my expectations as a product of the music used to convince and express very special feelings.

The characters are believable in  the way they perform their scenes to show ups and downs of the teather’s  activity specially when they are affected by the lack of economical support.


The movie is constantly designed with landscapes around “Montmartre, the Moulin Rouge and Paris city”.

There are very attractive scenes that take place in the night, well accompanied by some orchestras.

The soundtrack takes into account a great variety of songs from different times, they complete the feelings of dialogues and shows.
Dancers’ customs are according with the kind of music danced and the shows played by actors and actresses.


The story takes place at the end of a century, and the theater with its bohemian was there, accompanied by the economical crisis that are very common in a competitive system in which the high-class tries to overbear the other ones.

Those messages are convincing  due to the lack of khowledge that we have about the night activities whose shows always go on,  keeping the city alive for tourists and night workers.

VI- We are quite accustomed to see Americn gun films, where weapons, fights and bombs are always the bases of  a conflict, so  it is important for them  to have a brave hero that solves those difficult situations in a very particular way, sometimes feelings and special circunstances of daily lives are not takien into account. So, it is very necessary to have other view of the human conflict, as a product of the circunstances.

Destiny does not always arrive as we dream or want, then to see this kind of movies, it depends on the way you have been trained or educated


Medellín, May 2 - 2014

Mayo 20 de 2014


For: José Manuel  Montoya
From: Raúl Giraldo C.
Course: Integrated Skills

The Future

Technology is taking us to unimagined and unexplored realities that could let to know huge maching in relation with their physical capacities.

The stars knowledge and the space race will continue being a goal to reach with the help of fantastic magnifying glasses and hard memories of the computers whose chips are physically smaller.

There will be new galaxies and spatial stations where man could stay to continue his research, in that aspect, robots will play a key role in data transmission, information storage and know ledge assessment related to specific in formations.

Daily activities at home will be automatically done by virtual machines or robots, while men and women do their own Jobs in medium or great enterprises, however I don’t reach to imagine the future video games extending their violence to real life must of the time, new technologies mean “progress”, however I am not so optimistic when I consider the family, whose  members are more  divorce in further places without physical or spiritual support, I hope the oral and written speech will continue among the families in spite of the slang and orthography used by the virtual clients, I hope books do not disappear, as a result of the E-books sale to finish:

-What do we wart of internet completely surrounded of advertisement commercial enterprises, and watching cameras everywhere?

-All those internet users who are always inside, don’t take time to go out for seeing how the world goes on. Homes and enterprises are limited by screens and websites, is the cyber conversation the most appreciated tool to be near the other ones?

-Are people quitting the city walkings and parades to replace them for a mechanical contact?, It means frozen subjects before a screen?

The economical power dominates through the use of many gadgets, showing itself as the owner of the wholesale, without many cultural or spiritual possibilities, I  hope machines don’t stop real and practical uses of the brain.     


For: Juan Manuel Montoya V.
From: Raúl Giraldo C.
Integrated Skills – Centro Colombo Americano

This movie deals with the medical prescriptions of drugs that AIDS patients need and the control exerted by the FDA, that forbids very frequently the use of essential drugs to eradicate the symptons of this mortal disease.

The star character of the movies dares to defy those laws that forbid the use of some special products and fights against the health minister to prove the advantages of those products. I want to rescue the courage of current people trying to argue against government decisions.

Many world pharmaceutical enterprises monopolize the control around sale and distribution of products in countries that are developing their own production, stopping research as a right.

Finally the movies leaves a reflection around homophobic people who are continuously discriminated in public or private places. Gradually we become a ware that homosexuals, lesvians and transsexuals have the some rights as all the human beings

May 15th - 2014