Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 19th, 2014

The movie talked about the story about someone who had to change his life due to AIDS, one of most dangerous disease that people fear for its physical, emotional and social consequences.
The movie showed the prejudices that people had about HIV in that time. Ron was a selfish man who had carefree and libertine life, but when he faced the reality, he had to change his lifestyle. This situation brought to him rejection for his friends and the world where he lived. He knew people who received and tried to him as anyone. This people ironically were people who he hate and discriminated but also they were who help to him to give sense to his life.
Also I could notice how the pharmaceutical companies took the control about hospitals and doctors, and how people died because they didn´t have access to medicines to they needed to treat the diseases. These situations still happening nowadays the pharmaceutical companies dominated and takes control about the market and treatments that patients require.
Ron tried to find the solution to his diseases, he studied and learned about treatments to him and the other hand he found the way to give money helping others with the same condition. Although people who worked for these companies made everything to prevent it.
Also, I think that is amazing the way that Mathew McMaconaughey and Jared Leto performed the main characters in the story, how they changed their physical appearances and lifestyles and gave an excellent job, doing those winners to the most important award about movies in whole world.
In general, I liked a lot the movie the point about corruption from pharmaceutical companies and discrimination are topics to we still can see in the society and affected it. I think many people should be this movie and understand how the life of people with AIDS is and don´t judge to people without know what is the real part of the story.

May 20th, 2014

Nowadays, the technology allowed creating connections between people with long distances, but that technology is creating walls even people who live in the same house.  Technology everyday move and the life are easier but the consequences for the earth are terrible and many of us are not aware about it. Nowadays, people lose the way to talk face to face, but they prefer to use smartphones to communicate than talk and share time with them.
The other hand is the way that companies attack the environment to make more and more products every day. I think that our future will have bad consequences for us. Technology do easier things, human don’t need to move to have that they want, communications are easier too, people don’t have to move to talk what they want, if that things follow like that the results will be like the movie Blade Run, where humans have machines similar to them to do activities in their place and even try to take their place.
People may live alone in their houses and they won´t keep contact with others, they will eat with a machine and they will do everything with a machine too. Maybe in the worst case the environment will reveal and provoque big disasters and people will have to fear and live hidden to protect their life.

We don’t know about the future, but we can see what the road that our earth follows is.

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